Peripheral Arterial Disease

Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) in Kentucky and Southern Indiana

At Precision Vascular Kentucky, we specialize in diagnosing and treating peripheral artery disease (PAD) in Kentucky and Southern Indiana. It's a common but serious vascular disease affecting many people. The development of PAD is gradual and can take several years, often starting with injuries in the artery walls caused by factors such as high blood pressure, smoking, or high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals is committed to providing accurate information and leading-edge solutions. Contact us today for a consultation.
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What Are the Symptoms of PAD?

Recognizing PAD symptoms is the first step in managing this condition. Some people with PAD may not have any symptoms. However, symptoms can range from mild to severe. The most common symptoms are leg pain, or discomfort when walking. This pain goes away during rest but returns with activity. Other symptoms may include leg numbness or weakness, non-healing sores on the legs, feet, or toes, changes in leg or foot color, and coldness in the feet or toes. Early detection is crucial for managing PAD and preventing complications.
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PAD: Diagnosis and Treatment Options

How is PAD diagnosed? Based on your medical history, symptoms, and a physical exam, the doctor will refer you for diagnostic testing such as: The Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) which compares blood pressure in your ankles to your arms, and a Doppler ultrasound and angiogram which are other diagnostic tools that visualize blood flow and the inside of your arteries. These tests provide critical information for formulating the best treatment plan.

What are the treatment options for PAD? Treatment focuses on reducing symptoms and preventing disease progression. Lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, exercising, and maintaining a healthy diet can significantly improve your condition. Medications may be prescribed to control blood pressure, lower cholesterol, or prevent blood clots. In some cases, minimally invasive endovascular procedures or surgical bypass may be necessary.

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Act Now for Your Vascular Health

In Kentucky and Southern Indiana, you can trust Precision Vascular to guide you through managing and overcoming peripheral artery disease. Our team is committed to ensuring you or your loved ones receive the best care possible. Take the first step towards better vascular health. Contact us today and schedule your appointment with our PAD specialists.
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